Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Are you a Cool Mom or a Tiger Mom? Do you prefer Permissive Parenting or Strict parenting?

Hands, Holding, Embracing, Loving, HeartAre you a Cool Mom or a Tiger Mom? 
Do you prefer Permissive Parenting or Strict parenting?

After you lay eyes on your bundle of joy, you let out a silent scream of relief or in my case a not so silent one, and then many of us vow to be the coolest parent ever.

So the baby and you are having a whale of a time. You indulge his every whim and fancy. The baby is happy, you are happy. It’s all good...And then society happens!!

You come to realize that unrestricted freedom and general permissiveness leads to chaotic consequences. You question your parenting abilities and realise that it’s time to shift your parenting approach.

Now you go to the other side of the spectrum where you make too many rules, you make over the top threats, and you constantly nag and monitor. Basically end up being a Mom-ster and you end up guilt-ridden.

This roller coaster ride leads you to the question to be strict or not to be strict. Many a parent has agonized over this for centuries, and have realised after many trials and tribulations that there aren’t any hard and fast rules.

The key lies in finding a balance between permissive parenting and strict parenting.  The endeavour should be to create a comfortable, adventurous yet controlled surrounding for children in order for them to flourish.

It is true that parents are a “work in progress”. I firmly believe Ed Asner when he says “Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare.” 

1 comment:

  1. Well said, finding the balance is the key. Hope am not turning into a momster ;)
    Good post.
